About Sauna

How does Nordic Sauna work?

The heat of a sauna causes a passive increase in blood flow to levels similar to those seen during exercise. As your body produces sweat to cool itself, your heart works at a higher rate to pump blood, increasing your overall circulation. At the same time, the increased workload from your cardiovascular system helps free up harmful molecules in your blood vessels, allowing your body to flush them out through your sweat glands. 

Improved blood flow and oxygen enhances the body’s natural healing process, even after your session is complete. This, in turn, speeds the healing of any injured tissue while reducing pain and overall inflammation

Hot/cold contrast therapy has become a popular recovery method amongst sport scientists who believe it offers the following benefits:

• Reduce edemas and inflammation

• Decrease the perception of pain from muscular soreness

• Decrease the perception of fatigue

• Reduce muscle spasms

• Reduce tissue inflammation

• Reduce muscle damage

• Improve range of motion

Get ready to sauna

A sauna + plunge session at Kodawari almost always includes three rounds each of hot (sauna) and cold (plunge) therapy, with some rest and hydration along the way. 

  • Hydrate before, during, and after you sauna + plunge session. We highly recommend consuming a beverage with electrolytes after you sauna. You can pick up LMNT electrolyte replacement at the studio, or use your own favorite.

    Make sure you’re not entering your session on an empty stomach, but avoid heavy meals before class as well. We suggest a light snack a couple of hours before the session starts, so you’re not distracted by hunger or lightheadedness.

  • Most of our members choose to wear bathing suits or lightweight clothing for these sessions. You’re welcome to wear whatever you’re comfortable in. Keep in mind that whatever you choose to wear will be soaked by the end of the session.

  • Towels - we provide you with 2 small towels for use during your session, but you may want to bring your own for showering after your session.

    Water bottle - it’s important to drink water during your session. We have a bottle filling station at the studio and ice water available at the sauna.